
Job Zone d’emploi Holding Open House on November 30

浏览: 作者: 来源: 时间:2022-12-22 分类:新闻1
Job Zone d’emploi will be hosting an Open House ...

“We are here to assist individuals with their job search and provide employers with a variety of recruitment and workforce related programs,” says Kim Arbic, Director of Community Relations. 

“Our open house provides an opportunity for everyone to learn about our services, meet our staff and grab a light snack or some promo items. We look forward to seeing you there!”

In addition to job matching and posting employment opportunities, Job Zone d’emploi administers a number of support programs that individuals and local employers can take advantage of, including:

Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG)

Direct financial support to employers who wish to purchase training for potential or existing employees. Employers choose the individuals they would like to have trained, and the training that 

meets their workforce development needs. The cost of training is a shared investment between employers and the Provincial and Federal Governments.

Job Matching and Placement (JMP)

This program provides wage incentives to offset employer costs, such as the temporary loss of productivity, increased supervision requirements and other expenses involved in hiring new 


 Supported Employment (SE)

Provides employment services to people who self-identify as having a disability who want more intensive support services.  The program will offer the flexibility and choice needed to meet a 

broad range of needs, including job readiness, job matching and long-term job retention services.

Youth Job Connection (YJC)

This program helps prepare youth ages 16-29 by providing pre-employment training to promote job-readiness; Job matching and paid job placements, with placement supports for participants 

and hiring incentives for employers; Mentorship services; and Education and work transitions support.

Additional Services Available:

  • Apprenticeship Resources and Information

  • Possible subsidies for eligible job seekers

  • Information on Community and Government Resources

  • Interview Rooms

  • Access to a comprehensive resource library

  • Assistance and support for Laid Off employees

  • Posting of job openings

  • Referral of Job Candidates

  • Employee Mentoring/Job Coaching