Seize opportunities to break new ground! According to the lately released information about Chongqing’s investment promotion in the first quarter, Chongqing started 276 projects, raised 115.2 billion yuan, and signed
new investment projects with a total contract amount of 490.8 billion yuan.
Chongqing can hardly make such outstanding achievements without the efforts made by all its districts and counties. The reporter interviewed some of the listed districts and counties to see what innovations they have
made in investment promotion. Let’s have a look!
Innovate modes of investment promotion
Employment of industrial empowerment ambassadors
Jia Jie, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University and vice president of Huashan Hospital Fujian Hospital, was appointed as an industrial
empowerment ambassador of Banan District on March 24.
The appointment of an industrial empowerment ambassador is another innovative way of investment promotion for Banan. The industrial empowerment ambassadors mainly come from institutions of higher education;
as think tanks, advisers, as well as decision-makers, they are of great significance in attracting investments, according to Banan Investment Promotion Bureau.
Subsequently, YuAnfei Digital Therapy Application and Transformation Center & Niantong Limb Function Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Innovative Technology Application and Transformation Project, Jia Jie's research
and development achievements in Shanghai Electric Intelligent Medical Rehabilitation Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Niantong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., was signed and settled in Chongqing International
Biological City in Banan Districts.
Today, the number of Banan industrial empowerment ambassadors has reached 37.