
Canada Employment Increased In August, But Not As Fast As Its Population

scanning: author: from: time:2023-09-09 classify:新闻2
The number of people with Canada jobs rose...

The number of people with Canada jobs rose by 40,000 in August, by the employment rate fell as the country’s population grew even faster.

More than one in 20 Canadian residents is now working more than one job.

“With a higher cost of living, taking on additional work may be a necessity for some workers to meet essential financial needs such as mortgage or rental payments and groceries,” reports 

Statistics Canada, the statistical and demographic services agency of the federal government.

“In August 2023, about one million people – or 5.4 per cent of the employed – held multiple jobs, virtually unchanged from a year earlier.”

Women are more likely to hold down more than one job than are men, with 6.2 per cent of female workers in Canada having multiple jobs compared to only 4.7 per cent of men.

Immigrants admitted to Canada less than 10 years ago held down more than one job in 6.9 per cent of cases with the multiple jobholder rate above average among Blacks at 7.4 per cent and 

Filipino at eight per cent of workers.

In its Labour Force Survey for August, Statistics Canada notes that while employment rose by 0.3 per cent that month, Canada’ population grew by 103,000 people, or 0.3 per cent.

That pushed the employment rate, defined as the proportion of the population aged 15 and older who are employed, down 0.1 percentage points to 61.9 per cent.

“Employment increased among core-aged men, up 33,000 jobs or 0.5 per cent and women, up 21,000 positions or 0.3 per cent aged 25 to 54 years, while employment declined among women 

aged 55 and older, down 27,000 jobs or 1.3 per cent,” reports Statistics Canada.

The biggest winners in August were young women and teenaged girls while their male counterparts suffered the greatest job losses.

“Employment for female youth increased, rising by 32,000 positions or 2.4 per cent, while it declined among male youth, dropping by 29,000 jobs or 2.1 per cent,” notes Statistics Canada.

Alberta, British Columbia And Prince Edward Island Added Jobs In August

Across the country, Alberta added 18,000 jobs, British Columbia, 12,000 and Prince Edward Island another 1,800. Nova Scotia, though, shed 3,600 positions.

The construction sector and professional, scientific and technical services were good areas of the economy for job growth in August.

“Employment in professional, scientific and technical services increased by 52,000, up 2.8 per cent, in August, offsetting a cumulative decrease of 36,000 from March to July,” notes Statistics 
