
Achev employment agency helping newcomer women thrive in job markets

scanning: author: from: time:2022-11-18 classify:新闻2
Canadian women face systematic challenges...

Canadian women face systematic challenges in finding desired jobs, expanding careers, or settling in a new community. But those challenges are even harder for newcomer women or women of colour, according to 

Tonie Chaltas, head of Achev.

To address these challenges, the GTA employment agency recently launched a new Women's Pillar initiative at its head office in Mississauga.

The initiative will provide a support network for these women to find their first job, develop their skills and draw a career path.

"We are building a village to support the more than 50,000 women we serve each year," Chaltas said during the inauguration event of the program.

Chaltas added that since exploring the idea of the women's pillar initiative, many organizations, businesses, funding providers and government officials have shown support for the program.

The Mississauga-based organization provides employment, language and newcomer services in Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Last year alone, Achev served over 101,000 clients - more than 52,000 of whom were women 

- and 3,600 employers.

Chaltas says for employers to remain competitive in today's marketplace, they must diversify their workplace and provide meaningful jobs for women of colour and newcomers. She added that the lack of economic empowerment 

of women costs approximately 10 per cent of GDP in advanced economies such as Canada.

Over the next year, Chaltas said the organization will expand the program's offering and will collaborate with other organizations that focus on women.

Chaltas hopes all these steps collectively help more women to prosper in the job market in the coming months.

Meanwhile, Jessica Luh Kim, a consultant with Seasons Retirement Communities, said that women need to network and support each other to find and attain meaningful opportunities.